As Generators and MG's, so many of us don't feel good about the work we're doing. 

We are making money in situations where we can feel trapped, constricted, unsatisfied, afraid to change, terrified of quitting, or completely unsure of what we actually want to do.

The thing is that

our magnetic auras are incredible!

We are designed to use our energy in a way that is energizing, satisfying, purposeful, expansive, and flowing.

We deserve to use it that way.

And's not always clear how to do that on Earth right now when it feels scary to make money doing something that activates our life force.

After observing and connecting with hundreds of Generators and MG's over the last two years who are also on the path to energizing work, some clear patterns have emerged:

- As defined Sacral beings with consistent energy that flows moment to moment, we need to make changes in our lives step-by-step


- We need to feel a base level of safety and security (financially, emotionally) as we expand and grow


- Looking ahead and plotting the steps to "make it happen" doesn't usually work for us 


- We need to go at our own pace (with no one telling us to slow down or move faster)

Nestled in my Generator and MG laboratory 🤓, I came up with a three-part Framework for how we can make shifts in our work lives.

I wanted to create something that:

- we can revisit over and over 

- grows with us as we expand and evolve

- provides clarity when we're feeling overwhelmed

- can help soothe our overactive minds when we start to feel afraid because we're finally honoring our inner guidance

- helps to make this process more enjoyable and flowing so that it's about:

instead of just a problem to be solved...

This Framework is for you if:


You're a Sacral Being (a.k.a. Generator or Manifesting Generator) and:
- you're feeling drained/trapped/unsatisfied in your work life and you know you want to be somewhere else
- you want to make a change
- you want to do it in a sustainable, thoughtful way that honors the frequency of your unique aura

Here's what we will cover:

 1. The New Paradigm that we are moving into as a collective and why the current energetic environment on Earth supports us in pursuing work that feels good to us

2. The Sacral Being Hierarchy of Needs a.k.a. our aura's needs as Generators and MG's

On a daily basis, what do we need in our work lives in order to feel good?

3. Your personal year numerology and how it can help you understand what part of the 9-year cycle you are currently in so you can surrender to your next aligned steps

As a Generator, it is your birthright to be: 

- in love with what you're doing

- energized by what you're doing

- cozy and secure in your trust of the universe

- unapologetic in your joys and dislikes

- rhythmic and flowing

As a Manifesting Generator, it is your birthright to be: 

- dynamic

- free

- in love with what you're doing

- unapologetic in your joys and dislikes

- open to exploring everything that interests you

In a journey as personal and meaningful as sharing your unique expression in the world in your work life, there is no formula.

However, there is a Framework.

The Framework includes:

Lifetime access to the course

90+ minutes of video, audio, and visuals that walk you through the process step by step of making a change in your work life in alignment with your soul, aura, and the current energetic climate of Earth

PDF guide to numerology personal years

Refer to this again and again as you move through your creation cycles 

PDF download of the visuals and flow charts

As you enter different stages of your development, you can refer to these for some grounding and guidance 

Watch the intro and see if this is a yes for you!

If you're into details, here is a quick walk-through of the course!

Here, you can see how the course looks and what you'll find inside...


50% Complete

Two Step

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