As Generators and Manifesting Generators, we are designed to feel energized, satisfied, purposeful, expansive, and flowing.


the deconditioning process is a lifestyle 

here is a portal of tools to help!

After connecting with thousands of Generators and MGs over the last three years, here's what I've learned:


- As defined Sacral beings with consistent energy that flows moment to moment, we need to make changes in our lives step-by-step


- We need to feel a base level of safety and security (financially, emotionally) as we expand and grow


- Looking ahead and plotting the steps to "make it happen" doesn't usually work for us 


- We need to go at our own pace (with no one telling us to slow down or move faster)

I've created tools that:


- we can revisit over and over 


- grow with us as we expand and evolve


- provide clarity when we're feeling overwhelmed


- can help soothe our overactive minds when we start to feel afraid because we're finally honoring our inner guidance


- help make the deconditioning process more enjoyable and flowing so that it's about:

this portal includes:

the framework for expressing your unique aura frequency in your work life


Learn about the New Paradigm we are moving into and why the current energetic environment on Earth supports us in pursuing work that feels good to us.


What do we need in our work lives on a daily basis to feel good?


How can your Personal Year help you understand what part of the 9-year cycle you are currently in so you can surrender to your next aligned steps?

watch the intro + course walkthrough here:

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"There is something transformative happening as I experience your energy/frequency in your content that is reconnecting me to, or perhaps reawakening all that I felt, envisioned, and knew as a child. It is so moving, exciting & feels very pure. Thank you!"

"I love your content and I'm experimenting with living more in my design every day, and that's thanks to you :)"

As a Generator, it is your birthright to be: 

- in love with what you're doing

- energized by what you're doing

- cozy and secure in your trust of the universe

- unapologetic in your joys and dislikes

- rhythmic and flowing

As a Manifesting Generator, it is your birthright to be: 

- dynamic

- free

- in love with what you're doing

- unapologetic in your joys and dislikes

- open to exploring everything that interests you

enter the portal