I'm ready to join!

IMPORTANT: From now until April 30th, 2024 I am offering this 21-Day Personal Paradigm Shift program FREE to anyone who signs up for 6 months of access to my signature program for Generators and Manifesting Generators: The Glow-Up.


➡️ You can find the Glow-Up here.


From now until April 30th, 2024 I am offering this 21-Day Personal Paradigm Shift program FREE to anyone who signs up for 6 months of access to my signature program for Generators and Manifesting Generators: The Glow-Up.


➡️ You can find the Glow-Up here.

As Generators and MGs, the results we see from the actions we take rely heavily on:

  • Who we believe we are 
  • What we've been programmed to expect/believe and notice in the world
  • What we believe is possible for us


We are designed to respond to what we perceive through our senses—what we see, hear, feel, smell, touch.

So many things shape our perception— our childhood, trauma, what we think is possible, what we are thinking about and directing a lot of attention to, etc.

So, if our minds aren't programmed to see the right opportunities and possibilities for success, we miss what is available.


Reprogramming our subconscious requires repetition; sometimes, it's hard to remember to do simple daily reprogramming exercises.

Yet, we see huge shifts when we do.

More inspiration, ideas, possibilities, opportunities.

We feel better—more confident, satisfied, trusting of our path.

Why not let someone else make it easy for you?

This is exactly how I've designed this 21-day subconscious reprogramming experience—to be simple but effective.

The materials from the 21 days will be archived in the Pure Generators course platform and mobile app, where you can use them over and over again and continue seeing results.

(Remember: it's about repeating the process, not just learning information).

The results are in from previous participants!

After this program...

94% of participants feel more confident about their desires and making shifts in their lives 

94% started noticing new solutions or opportunities

100% thought about more positive outcomes in their life at least some of the time

94% would recommend this course to other Generators and MGs

The results are in from previous participants!

After this program...

94% of participants feel more confident about their desires and making shifts in their lives 

94% started noticing new solutions or opportunities

100% thought about more positive outcomes in their life at least some of the time

94% would recommend this course to other Generators and MGs


How it works:

  • Starting May 1st, 2024— each day, for 21 days, you will receive an email with that day's quick topic/exercise/reflection, designed to align your mind with noticing all the possible ways around you to experience satisfaction and success as a Generator/MG.
  • All you have to do is read the email and do the short exercise.
  • Everything is very simple and can be done in 5-10 minutes. After all, the magic is in the 21-day repetition, not consuming or doing anything elaborate.

And...you'll see how your life begins to shift.


This is for you if: 

  • You're trying to live in alignment with your Generator/MG Strategy and Authority but aren't quite seeing the results you'd like in at least one area of your life.
  • Things are going okay, but you know you could expand to new levels—you feel stuck and unsure how to get there.
  • You're not feeling confident that "Waiting to respond" will allow you to create and achieve what you want—you're not seeing a lot to respond to
  • You feel like your path is moving too slowly or not how you had hoped










Join us here!

We start on May 1st!


I'm Rachel Lieberman, a 1/3 Sacral Generator who has used Human Design and subconscious reprogramming to create a thriving business, write and publish a book, and feel more satisfaction than ever before...all while remaining in integrity with my natural energy flow. 

I want this for everyone! 

I'm most passionate about helping our minds support where our Sacral energy wants to take us so that we can feel energized by what we do every day and achieve everything we want in the material world—o anxiety, second-guessing, or dampening our innate magnetism.