I work with generators and manifesting generators who want to:


⭐ go deep into their soul purpose


⭐ live in alignment with their design

As Generators and MGs, we deserve to feel energized and satisfied on the soul level by what we do each day.


After working with Generators and Manifesting Generators for more than 3 years, I have deeply studied and experimented with our Sacral Being energetics.


Using the tools I have found most effective, I can help you expand your awareness of your Human Design + soul's path and implement practical strategies in your life to more ease, flow, and satisfaction.

What does a 1:1 session entail?


1. When you book your session, you will tell me your birth info and any details you'd like to share about your current struggles, questions, or challenges. Then, I will create a recorded reading sharing relevant information from your Human Design, numerology, North Node, Gene Keys, and my channeled intuitive guidance.

This allows me to deliver a lot of info and guidance in a easy format to take in, pause, and revisit so you have time to understand and digest.

Plus, you're left with a recording you can easily listen to over and over in the future!


2. Upon delivery of the recorded reading, you book a follow-up 60-minute Zoom call with me. 

In this call, we can go over everything in the reading to clarify any confusion, talk through how to apply this new awareness in your life, troubleshoot daily challenges using all of my tools, decide what you want to do for your next steps, etc.

The aim is to use the knowledge of your Human Design and soul's path to tweak your daily actions to match your Design and create more satisfaction, energy, flow, understanding, meaning, and purpose in your life! 

feedback from previous clients: 

"Thank you Rachel! I've already listened to this twice. It is so spot on and confirms so many things about myself that have felt right, but the "shoulds" find ways to come in the way...this makes my path and purpose much more clear."

- N.M. , 3 /5 Sacral Generator 

 “Thank you so much for sharing your gifts with me. Your insights brought so much clarity to how I operate best and which way to point my compass. It also really helps me see where I might be conditioned.”

- M.G., 4/6 Sacral Generator

This is for you if:


- You are a Generator or Manifesting Generator (unsure? calculate your chart here)

- You want some outside help and guidance, using energetics, on any challenges or questions in your life 

- You take responsibility for your path and your success and are willing to make changes and implement new things

- You feel you are here for a unique purpose, and you would like to live as your unique self

- You are working toward a goal and would like some practical guidance and help to align with your Human Design and soul's path

I am currently fully booked for 1:1 work, but I will be opening up some more slots soon!

To join the waitlist and get notified first, please sign up here: